Lifestyle Roofing of Oklahoma City Asphalt Shingles
Asphalt shingles are one of the most commonly used types of shingles across America because of their endurance over time and waterproofing ability. Manufacturing companies produce over eleven and a half billion squares of asphalt shingles per year, enough to cover four and a half million houses across this great country. There are two types of asphalt shingles, organic shingles and fiberglass shingles. Both are made similarly but perform and age very differently.

Organic Asphalt Shingles
Organic shingles are a product of the past and have been replaced with a more efficient and effective shingle. Organic shingles start with a base of materials that were formerly living such as paper, filaments of wood, and roughage that is soaked with asphalt to allow it to repel water. The next step is to apply an upper coating of adhesive asphalt, then to press ceramic granules on the outer layer to complete the shingle. These shingles are extremely flammable and age at a different rate than fiberglass shingles. Organic shingles are always easy to spot because they start to curl around the edges and become thicker and swell due to water damage. These shingles will break down in the elements and will disappear over time.
Fiberglass Asphalt Shingles
These shingles have been engineered to be safer for homes with a class “A” fire rating and a fiberglass mat that will resist fire. Like an organic shingle, the application used to make fiberglass shingles starts with a mat, instead of organic materials this shingle has thousands of strands of fiberglass placed in different directions and fused together. The mat is covered with asphalt which includes inorganic fillings that make the shingles waterproof. An upper layer of asphalt is applied and then ceramic granules are pressed onto the shingle to give the shingle UV protection from the sun’s rays and any extreme weather conditions. These shingles are lightweight and extremely durable compared to organic shingles. Fiberglass shingles typically consist of a 3-Tab option and an architectural option. The 3-Tab shingles come in 20-25-30 year warranties, and the 3-Tab also has an Impact Resistant option. The architectural shingles usually come in 30-40-50 year warranties, and they also have an Impact Resistant option as well.
Impact Resistant Asphalt Shingles
These shingles are a newer option that will attempt to resist hail from damaging the shingle a little bit more than the regular 30-year shingle. Something to remember when choosing the Impact Resistant shingle option is that most insurance companies are moving to and will require twice as many hail hits per (square 10sf x 10sf) than a regular 30-year shingle, or they may not cover any damage on the roof surface at all with an impact resistant shingle after a hail event. With this shingle, insurance companies are getting existing and new customers to sign a form that excludes the roof coverage for specific perils such as hail. Bottom line is, when a hail storm hits your house, some damage will be covered excluding the roofing materials and soft metals (gutters, garage doors, awnings, etc…). When you buy your policy you’ve just agreed to the insurance’s terms and conditions that are in the fine print. The policy gives you the coverage, and the endorsements on your policy take away coverage. If you want to see how we roof using asphalt shingles check out our 4K Drone Videos of us roofing.